Welcome to Loddon & District Local History Group
Originally called "Before Your Time", the group began as the project of a couple of ladies, who collected photographs, memories and stories while creating the boards for the display in the Priest's Room above the porch in Holy Trinity Church .
Carol Carpenter & Chris Crease can be seen below showing off the display and the booklets they wrote,
It grew over the years to become a thriving group aiming to bring all things local and historical to a wider audience.
Here you can access some of the photographs in our archive, read about our booklets and publications, find out what is coming up in our monthly group meetings and check out our records of local Monumental Inscriptions, and some of our documentary transcription work.
You can contact us by sending an email to the address below.
Latest News
Please note the December Meeting wil be at The Hollies, next to the Loddon Post Office
George Proctor's Day Book, in People
Looking at occupation in some areas on the Tithe map in Buildings
What's in a Name? has just been published, available at the Library or at our meetings
go to the publications page to see more
1.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
at the
Lecture Hall
St John's Methodist Church
George Lane Loddon
NR14 6NB
The contents of this website are copyright © 2024 Loddon & District Local History Group
Enquiries to loddonhistory@gmail.com